Fennic tree
Tree structure that allows efficient both partial sum computation and element updating
Abbreviated as [BIT
Kazuhiro Hosaka (Department of Mathematics, The University of Tokyo)
13th JOI Spring Training Camp
Can be used as a data structure for fast retrieval of the kth value
Adding and deleting to a set and getting kth
A simple way to do this is to prepare an array of size D of the value range and set 1 where there is a value
If it is changed to increment, it can be used for cases where there are multiple values of the same value (multiset). Can be added and deleted with O(1)
Acquisition of KTH is slow because it counts from the end.
Make this a BIT.
BIT is a partial sum of O(logD)
We can do a bifurcated search for this.
O(logD) see Hosaka's data if you devise it.
However, additions and deletions are O(logD)
When you want to know the next value of a value in a set
First take the sum up to that value, add 1, and search for the bisection
If we repeat this, we can also "get something larger than a certain value.
N = 1000
bit = 0 * (N + 1) # 1-origin def bit_add(pos, val):
x = pos
while x <= N:
x += x & -x # (x & -x) = rightmost 1 = block width
def bit_sum(pos):
ret = 0
x = pos
while x > 0:
x -= x & -x
return ret
def bit_bisect(lower):
"find a s.t. v1 + v2 + ... + va >= lower"
x = 0
k = 1 << (N.bit_length() - 1) # largest 2^m <= N
while k > 0:
if (x + k <= N and bitx + k < lower): x += k
k //= 2
return x + 1
bit_add(12, 1)
bit_add(34, 1)
bit_add(56, 1)
print(bit_sum(20)) # => 1
print(bit_sum(40)) # => 2
print(bit_sum(60)) # => 3
print(bit_bisect(2)) # => 34
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